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William J. Wallach

Organizational change can be difficult, but he makes it look easy.


From product launches and redirected sales strategy to technology implementation and global acquisitions, William has extensive experience leading organizarional change. He understands that change - whether inevitable or invited - is a requirement for organizational growth and excels at guiding internal and external audiences to embrace these necessary transitions.


After 17 years with Nalco Chemical Company, William joined ILC Dover, LP - a world leader in the innovative design and manufacturing of engineered products - as VP of Sales and Marketing in 1997 and then ascended to CEO. Duriing his tenure, William successfully lead sales strategy realignment, segmentation shifts and new product development while also  integrating the operations of numerous global mergers and acquitions. How did he do it ? Innovation.


"William is a true champion of change. His ability to identify and communicate the opportunities that accompany transformation creates the buy-in necessary for its success." 

-Bob Walters

"It’s all about the employees. If you take care of them, they will follow a strong leader."  

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