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The Innovator's Questions

Every successful innovator I know is immensely curious. As a result, they are able to see an unmet need that others have either ignored or dismissed.The reason for this common Innovation genesis goes back to what successful Innovators always do: they ask questions that reveal hidden opportunities...they sense and uncover "empty space". Moreover, since "empty space" (unmet needs to be answered) exists throughout the Innovation Chain (C X PE X BA), innovators, their questions and their innovations come from throughout the Innovation Chain also. How do they start? Questions. Lots and lots of questions.

80% of Innovation is asking the right questions.

So, to help you out, I thought I would share a few of the Innovation Questions that we have discovered during our years of Innovation consulting.

Some Creativity Questions

  1. What does not seem possible, but if it was possible could be a game-changer? (my personal favorite)

  2. How can we stay longer in the “Conversation of the Possible” instead of the “Conversation of the Practical”?

  3. How would the most creative person I know go about this? Ask them.

  4. How is this opportunity like something else that looks very different? Air BnB/Dog Vacay.

  5. What would this look like to someone completely new at this?

Some Process Excellence Questions:

  1. What other company or industry has already solved this problem?

  2. What are the critical few things that we must do to succeed?

  3. If we could only improve one part of our process, what would it be?

  4. If we could improve one additional part of our process, what would it be?

  5. A third?

  6. What are the critical parts of our process? If changed, what do they effect?

  7. Are we measuring the right things? Lead or lag?

Some Business Model Questions

  1. What do our stakeholders uniquely value that we are able to provide by either whatwe deliver or how we deliver it?

  2. What societal trends exist now and in the future? How do we use that energy? GE calls this "sailing with the wind".

  3. What are unique needs our product satisfies for our customers? Harley-Davidson discovered it was “belonging”. Starbucks: "low-cost luxury".

  4. Are we designed, as a company, to deliver these outcomes every day?

  5. What do our customers, or the competitor's customers, complain about that can't seem to get fixed?

As a leader, the most important part of this discussion is how it might focus your attention and the attention of others in a systematic way. Think of the equation and questions as the basis of a system…

Originally published here.

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